Friday, 21 October 2016


Explain how their reaction to these difficulties sets an example for Muslims today.

Muslims should display courage, discipline and patience in the times of troubles. During hardships, they should stay loyal to their leader and act upon his commands. They should exhibit strong commitment and devotion to their noble mission. They should remain united and should not blame each other for causing problems. Hardships should be faced patiently with no complaints. The story of Taif teaches us to develop the behavior of forgiving rather than revenging the enemies. 

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Briefly explain the main themes in verse 37 of Surah Fussilat and explain their importance in a Muslim's life?

This verse of Surah Fussilat speaks of the day and night and the sun and the moon as the signs of Allah for those who think on the universe. They are not objects of Divine Power but creatures of Allah. How can they be worshiped? The sun and the moon are moving objects that remain on their defined trajectories according to the law of Allah and He is manifesting Himself in their form. Hiding of the sun during night and that of the moon during daytime clearly indicate that they are helpless and powerless creatures. The Quran says, "In the creations of the heavens and the earth and the alteration of Night and Day, surely there are signs for men who understand" (3:190). 

Importance in a Muslim's life:

Prostating before the sun, moon, fire, idols, graves or other created objects is shirk, the most heinous crime and absolutely unforgivable. If someone has minor traces of shirk in his belief, he will never be rewarded Paradise in the Hereafter. He will the fuel of the hell for ever. A human is the most respected creature of Allah. When he bows down before sun or moon, it debases his dignity. His focus moves away from his true Master. If he doesn't repent, he will go astray. Allah will never bestow His Mercy on him in the Hereafter. 

Sun and moon are created merely for the benefits of mankind. The night is created for the rest of the people and the day for earning essentials of the daily life. They are subserviant to their Lord in which there is a lesson of obedience for the transgressors. Some people say that they do not bow down to these objects but bow to God through them. If you really are true worshippers of Allah, there is absolutely no need of these intermediaries. Bow down to Him directly. 

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Briefly explain the main themes in verses 1-5 of Surah Alaq

Main Themes:
These five verses of Surah Alaq are the first Divine revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) while he was meditating in Cave Hira in the month of Ramadan. This revelation gave the cognizance of Allah that He is the Creator of everything that exists. The creation of man in particular in mentioned because he is the most superior creature on the earth and who is created with the best stature from a clot of blood. The Generous God granted him senses and the power of thinking, created requisites of his life and embedded in his instinct how to use them and gave him knowledge and wisdom of the Truth. Without knowledge, guidance of the mankind is not possible. So before giving the responsibility of Prophethood, Allah gave knowledge to His Messenger. The earlier prophets were also bestowed with the blessing of knowledge. The Quran says, "And He taught Adam the names of all things..." (2:31).

Friday, 14 October 2016

The benefits of the Last Ten Days of Ramadan

The last ten days of Ramadan are blessed by Allah with unique virtues. Among such virtues is that Laylat Al-Qadr (the Night of Decree) is among them. About this Night, Allah, The Most Exalted, Says (what means): “Ha, Meem. By the clear Book. Indeed, We sent it down during a blessed night. Indeed, We were to warn [mankind]. On that night is made distinct every precise matter - [Every] matter [proceeding] from Us. Indeed, We were to send [a messenger]. As mercy from your Lord. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.”[Quran 44:1-6]

Allah sent down the Quran on this Night which He, The Most Exalted, described as blessed. It was reported from a group of the Salaf (righteous predecessors) – including Ibn ‘Abbaas, Qataadah, Sa’eed ibn Jubayr, ‘Ikrimah, Mujaahid and others , may Allah be pleased with them- that the night on which the Quran was sent down was Laylat Al-Qadr.

The phrase (which means): “On that night is made distinct every precise matter,” indicates that on this night the destiny of all creatures for the coming year is decreed. On that night it is written who will live, who will die, who will be saved, who will be doomed, who will be destined for Paradise, who will be destined for Hell, who will be granted honour, who will be humiliated, where drought and famine will occur, and everything else that Allah Wills in that year.

Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “You may see a man furnishing his home or plowing his field, and he is one of those who are going to die,” i.e., it has been decreed on Laylat Al-Qadr that he is one of those who are going to die (in the coming year). And it was said that on this night, the destiny of people is shown to the angels.

The meaning of “Qadr” is veneration or honor, i.e. it is a night that is venerated because of its special characteristics, and because the one who stays up during this night becomes a person of honor. And it was said that Qadr means constriction, in the sense that the knowledge of precisely when this night is, is hidden. Al-Khaleel ibn Ahmad  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him said: “It was called Laylat Al-Qadr because the earth is constricted by the great numbers of angels on that night, and Qadr means constriction.”

It was also said that Qadr means Qadar (decree), i.e., that on this night the decrees for the coming year are ordained, as Allah Says (what means): “On that night is made distinct every precise matter.” [Quran 44:4]and because the decrees of Allah are decided and written down on this night.
So Allah has called it Laylat Al-Qadr, because of its great value and high status with Allah, and because so many sins are forgiven and so many faults are concealed during this night.

For it is the night of forgiveness, as it was reported that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: “Whoever stays up during Laylat Al-Qadr out of faith and in the hope of earning the reward of Allah, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Allah has given this night special characteristics which make it unique, such as:

  1. It is the night on which the Quran was sent down, as we have stated above. Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “Allah sent down the Quran at one time from Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooth (the Preserved Tablet in the Seventh Heaven) to Bayt Al-‘Izzah (House of Pride) in the first Heaven, then it was revealed to the Messenger of Allah  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) in stages according to events over twenty-three years.” [Ibn Katheer]
  2. Allah described it as being better than a thousand months, as He Says (what means): “The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.” [Quran 97:3]
  3. Allah described it as being blessed, as He Says (what means): “Indeed, We sent it down during a blessed night.” [Quran 44: 3]
  4. On this night, the angels and the Spirit [Jibreel (Angel Gabriel)] descend, “i.e., many angels descend on this night because it is so blessed, and the angels come down when the blessings and mercy of Allah come down, just as they come down when the Quran is recited, and they surround the circles of Thikr (gatherings where Allah is mentioned), and they spread their wings for the one who sincerely seeks knowledge, out of respect for him.” [Ibn Katheer]
    Jibreel is specifically mentioned as a sign of respect for him.
  5. This night is described as peace, i.e., it is safe, for the devils cannot do any evil or cause any harm on this night, as Mujaahid  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him said: “On this night, many people are saved from punishment because of what they do to worship Allah, The Most Exalted.”
  6. Allah Says (what means):“On that night is made distinct every precise matter.” [Quran 44:4], the affairs of that year are dispatched from the Preserved Tablet to the angels who record the decrees: who will live, who will die, what provision people will be given, what will happen until the end of that year, every matter of ordainments is decreed, and it cannot be altered or changed. [Ibn Katheer]
    All of this is already known to Allah before it is even written down, but He makes known to the angels what is to happen, and commands them to do whatever they are enjoined to do.
  7. Allah revealed a Chapter concerning this night which will be recited until the Day of Resurrection, in which He mentions the honor and great value of this night. This is the Chapter in which Almighty Allah Says (what means): “Indeed, We sent the Qur'an down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.”  [Quran 97:1-5]
The verse (which means): “And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree?” [Quran 97:2] serves to draw attention to the importance and great significance of this night.

The verse (which means): “The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months.”Means that worship during it is better than worship during a thousand months (which means over eighty three years). This is a great virtue, the value of which no one can fully understand except The Lord of the Worlds, The Most Exalted.

Laylat Al-Qadr is in the last ten days of Ramadan, as stated in the narration of Ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: “Seek Laylat Al-Qadr in the last ten days of Ramadan.” [Muslim]

It is more likely to be one of the odd-numbered nights, because of the narration of ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, who said that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ``alayhi wa sallam, had said: “Seek Laylat Al-Qadr in the odd-numbered nights of the last ten nights.” [Al-Bukhari]

We should seek it especially in the odd-numbered nights, i.e., on the twenty-first, the twenty-third, the twenty-fifth, the twenty-seventh and the twenty-ninth. It was also reported that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: “Seek it in the last ten nights, on the odd-numbered nights.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

It is most likely to be on the night of the twenty-seventh. This is according to the saying of the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ): “Laylat Al-Qadr is the night of the twenty-seventh.” [Ahmad and Abu Daawood]

The view that it is the night of the twenty-seventh is the opinion of most of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, and the majority of scholars.
Ubayy ibn Ka’b, may Allah be pleased with him, used to assert, without saying “Inshaa Allah-God willing” that: “…it was the night of the twenty-seventh. Zurr ibn Hubaysh, may Allah be pleased with him, said to Ubayy, may Allah be pleased with him: ‘I said: What makes you say that, O Abu’l-Munthir (i.e. Ubay)?’ He, may Allah be pleased with him, said: ‘By the signs of which the Messenger of Allah,  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) told us: that the sun rises that morning with no visible rays.’” [Muslim]

The fact that it is more likely the night of the twenty-seventh –Allah knows best – does not mean that this is always the case. It could be any of the other odd-numbered nights of the last ten days of Ramadan. Some of the scholars ruled that it is more likely that it moves and does not come on a specific night each year.

Allah has concealed this night so that His slaves will strive to seek it, and will strive hard in worship, just as He has concealed the blessed hour of Friday.

Therefore, we should strive hard during the days and nights of these ten days, seeking Laylat Al-Qadr and following the example of our Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) and we should strive in supplication and seeking to draw close to Allah Almighty.

‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, narrated that (she said), "O Messenger of Allah! What if I knew which night Laylat-ul-Qadr was, then what should I say in it?" He said: "Say: Allahumma innaka ‘affuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘anni." (O Allah, You are the ever pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.)" [Ahmad and At-Tirmithi. Al-Albaani: Saheeh]


Explain how their reaction to these difficulties sets an example for Muslims today. 

Muslims should display courage, discipline and patience in the times of troubles. During hardships, they should stay loyal to their leader and act upon his commands. They should exhibit strong commitment and devotion to their noble mission. They should remain united and should not blame each other for causing problems. Hardships should be faced patiently with no complaints. The story of Taif teaches us to develop the behavior of forgiving rather than revenging the enemies. 


Write an account of the major difficulties encountered by the Holy Prophet (saw) and his followers in the years when they lived in Makka.

When the Prophet invited people to Islam and condemned the worship of idols, the Quraish took it an insult to their religion and the ways of their forefathers. They were not ready to leave their ancestors’ religion and so they turned against the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his followers. They became violent towards the early converts to Islam.

The early converts were treated very harshly by the Quraish and they were very hostile towards them. Hazrat Bilal, an abyssinian slave, was greatly tortured by his master Umaya bin Khalaf. He was dragged with ropes in the streets by children. He was regularly laid on scorching sands under blazing sun and heavy stones were placed on his chest. Hazrat Uthman was wrapped in palm leaves by his pagan uncle and was hung over fire. He was tortured with smoke and heat. Ammar bin Yasir paid heavily for embracing the new faith. His father died of the consecutive tortures and his mother was martyred by Abu Jahl with a spear. Similarly, Khabbab bin Aratt was made to lie on bed of hot coals.

Along with his companions, the Holy Prophet himself was persecuted. Thorny bushes were spread in his way and filth and garbage was thrown at him. Abu Lahab’s wife, Umm Jamil, used to throw the waste of slaughtered goats on the Holy Prophet while he was in worship. She paid the children of Makka for throwing stones at the prophet (saw) and abusing him. Some times the stones hit his face and caused bleeding. The two daughters of the Holy Prophet who were married to the two sons of Abu Lahab were divorced on the provocation of their father and mother. This was a very great shock for the Prophet (PBUH) and his wife, Khadija. 

After the death of his second son, the Hazrat Muhammad (saw) was taunted and called “abtar” (man with no male progeny). One day when he was prostrating in the Holy Ka’bah, Uqbah bin Mu’ait on the provocation of Abu jahl threw tripe of a camel, filled with noxious materials, on the Prophat’s head to suffocate him. He remained under the tripe. On hearing this news, his daughter, Fatima (RA), ran out into the Ka’bah and removed the tripe and cleaned his face. 

The Quraish prohibited him from entering the Holy Ka’bah for prayers. One day when Muhammad (saw) was at home and the Muslims were praying in the Ka’bah, the Quraish attacked them and wounded several of the Muslims. Hazrat Harith, Khadija’s son (Muhammad’s (saw) step son) was martyred on the spot, who was the first male Muslim martyr. 

In the 5th year of Prophethood when the atrocities of Quraish increased, the Holy Prophet ordered the Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia. A group of fifteen Muslims followed by another group of 79 migrated. The Quraish sent a delegation to Abyssinia and tried to bring them back, but they were not successful.  In the 7th year of Prophethood, the Quraish made a social and economic boycott with the Banu Hashim tribe and they had to live in the Shib Abi Talib for about three years. This was a very harsh time for the Muslims. 

When the Prophet (saw) visited Taif in the hope that they could accept Islam, it was a very bitter experience for him. He was pelted with stones from which he received severe injuries. Later, the pagans took men from different tribes and formed a delegation that made plans to kill the Holy Prophet (saw). The Holy Prophet (saw) was informed about their strategies through revelation. Following the orders of the revelation, he along with Hazrat Abu Bakr migrated to Yasrib and left all their properties behind.

Thursday, 13 October 2016


The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) sent Abu Musa and Muadh ibn Jabal to Yaman, and he sent each of them to govern a part. Then he said; ‘Be gentle and do not be hard, and cause rejoicing and do not alienate.’

Main Teachings:
This hadith signifies the responsibilities of Muslim rulers. They should devote their energies to the general welfare and prosperity of their subjects. They should treat the people with kindness, mildness, gentleness and justice to win their hearts. Apart from rulers, the hadith also extends to daily lives of common people. The prophet (PBUH) has said,”Make things easy and do not make them hard, and cheer up people and do not repel them” (Bukhari, Muslim).

Briefly explain the main themes in Ayat-ul-Kursi (2:255). Briefly explain the importance of these themes in a Muslim's life today.

This verse of Surah Al-Baqarah is known as Ayat-ul-Kursi meaning the verse of the Throne. The main themes here are the Oneness of Allah and that supreme power and authority belong to Him. He is the exclusive master of the heavens and the earth. He has no partner in His Attributes. He is Ever-Living, Supporter of the entire universe and All-Knowing. He is free from weaknesses or limitations that ordinary lives have and He alone is worthy of worship. None of His creatures can intercede in His affairs of the Kingdom. Oneness of Allah is the most important subject of Holy Quran. This conception is presented with different styles at different places in the Quran e.g. Surah Al-Ikhlas describes the Oneness of God in terms of His absolute Existence i.e. He is alone and has neither father nor any children; He is present from the beginning and will stay for ever.

Importance in Muslim's Life:
Belief in Oneness of Allah protects a Muslim from shirk. If a Muslim is not a true believer i.e. his life is not free from shirk, he will not be rewarded paradise in the Hereafter. Muslims are bound not to associate any partner with Allah in His Existence, Attributes or Worship otherwise they will commit shirk which is such a heinous crime that Allah never forgives. It is the greatest of all sins.

When a Muslim believes that his Allah is watching him all the time, he will stop from committing worldly crimes like theft, robbery, drinking, usury and bribery etc. He will refrain from all kinds of moral and social evils.

When a Muslim believes that it is only Allah Who has unlimited powers and authority, he will not seek help from other deities. He will obtain spiritual purity and dignity by bowing down only before God. Instead of asking the so called holy men or attending shrines for the solution of his troubles, he will supplicate only to the real source, the Almighty Allah.

This verse also refutes the notion that on the Day of Judgement, prophets, saints and angels shall wield influence and force Allah to pardon their followers. No intercession will be granted except with the permission of Allah.

Briefly explain the main themes in 6: 101-103 and describe their importance in a Muslim's life.

These verses of Surah An'aam speak of the absolute Unity and Supreme Authority of Allah over the whole of the universe.  He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth and Creator of everything within them. He is All-Knowing and Well-Acquainted with the finest mysteries. He is invisible to the worldly eye. Having such attributes, He alone then deserves to be worshiped. Oneness of Allah and His Divine Attributes have been mentioned in a number of surahs and verses talking with different styles. Surah Ikhlas talks on the Oneness of Allah by focusing on His absolute Existence.  It says that Allah is One, and has no father or children, and there is none comparable to Him in any degree.

Importance in a Muslim's life:
Oneness of Allah is the most fundamental Islamic belief. Life in the Hereafter is totally dependent on it. It is very important that a Muslim's life is free from all forms of shirk otherwise he will earn hellfire for himself. The Holy Quran condemns Shirk and describes it an unforgivable sin. The one who commits shirk will remain in the hell forever. Even minute traces of shirk in the belief are not allowed. 

When a person believes that Allah Alone is the Creator of the universe and there is no partner with Him in His Authority and Power, he will not seek help from worldly deities who are themselves created. When he believes that his Allah is All-Knowing and Well-Aware of the secrets in his heart, he will not commit sins in the loneliness or in the darkness. He will attain spiritual purity and his life will become free from moral evils. He will become fair in dealings with the people. 

When it is said that Allah is beyond human perceptions and comprehensions, a Muslim will not waste his time in discussing the physical characteristics, shape and nature of Allah. Instead, he will utilize his time effectively in praying Allah and will confirm Paradise for himself.


Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Surah Al-Zilzal: When the earth is shaken to her utmost convulsion ... Main Theme and Importance in a Muslim's Life..

Main Theme:
Surah Al-Zilzal deals with the second life after death that will take place on a day when the earth will be shaken violently. As a result of tremendous convulsions, the earth will throw out dead bodies, treasures of gold, silver, jewels and every kind of wealth lying hidden in its belly. Verse 4 of Surah Al-Inshiqaq says,"And throws out whatever is within it and becomes empty." The scattered parts of decayed bodies will be resurrected in the shape of their first life and the situation will be confounding to the man. The earth will speak out on that Day by Allah's command as witness and will narrate each individual's acts that he had committed in his worldly life at particular times and places. All human beings shall be presented with such complete records of their deeds that they will personally see all their goods and evils even to the size of a particle.

Importance in a Muslim's life:
This surah tells about the ultimate future of man and this world which is a question in many minds. Death is not total annihilation to a believer. The thought of Resurrection is a sign of satisfaction for his continued existence after death. Eternal life also tells him the purpose of his existence - adherence to virtues and distance from evils. Doomsday is the ultimate Day of Justice where the righteous men shall be rewarded paradise and the wrongdoers shall be punished.

Al-Mighty Allah knows everything directly, but He will fulfill the demands of Justice for punishing the culprits. Witness of two recording angels and ratification of the earth on his deeds will provide clear and undeniable proofs. When a person believes that the earth will testify to his deeds, he will abstain from all kinds of social evils like drinking, bribery, theft and earning wealth through illegal means.

When a Muslim believes that even the most ordinary good has its own weight and value on the Judgement Day, it will promote self-sacrifice and moral values in the society. People will give importance to small insignificant deeds of goodness like talking with a smiling face. And the belief that the most ordinary evils will not be overlooked shall promote the behavior of staying away from trivial sins.

Briefly explain the main themes in 6: 101-103 and describe their importance in a Muslim's life.

These verses of Surah An'aam speak of the absolute Unity and Supreme Authority of Allah over the whole of the universe.  He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth and Creator of everything within them. He is All-Knowing and Well-Acquainted with the finest mysteries. He is invisible to the worldly eye. Having such attributes, He alone then deserves to be worshiped. Oneness of Allah and His Divine Attributes have been mentioned in a number of surahs and verses talking with different styles. Surah Ikhlas talks on the Oneness of Allah by focusing on His absolute Existence.  It says that Allah is One, and has no father or children, and there is none comparable to Him in any degree.

Importance in a Muslim's life:
Oneness of Allah is the most fundamental Islamic belief. Life in the Hereafter is totally dependent on it. It is very important that a Muslim's life is free from all forms of shirk otherwise he will earn hellfire for himself. The Holy Quran condemns Shirk and describes it an unforgivable sin. The one who commits shirk will remain in the hell forever. Even minute traces of shirk in the belief are not allowed. 

When a person believes that Allah Alone is the Creator of the universe and there is no partner with Him in His Authority and Power, he will not seek help from worldly deities who are themselves created. When he believes that his Allah is All-Knowing and Well-Aware of the secrets in his heart, he will not commit sins in the loneliness or in the darkness. He will attain spiritual purity and his life will become free from moral evils. He will become fair in dealings with the people. 

When it is said that Allah is beyond human perceptions and comprehensions, a Muslim will not waste his time in discussing the physical characteristics, shape and nature of Allah. Instead, he will utilize his time effectively in praying Allah and will confirm Paradise for himself.


Give an account of how the Qur’an was compiled in the years following the Prophet’s death.

The Holy Prophet could not read or write. When revelations came to him by Hazrat Jibrail, the scribes were said to write them down on bones of animals, barks of trees, pieces of pottery or any other things they could find. The Quran was completely written and arranged in sequence by the Holy Prophet’s (saw) death, but it was scattered in different pieces. During the caliphate of Abu Bakr, at least seventy of the memorizers of the Qur’an lost their lives in the Battle of Yamama. After that incident, Hazrat Umar suggested to Hazrat Abu Bakr to make a written collection of the Quran in order to preserve it. Hazrat Abu Bakr did not want to do this, because the Prophet had not done it. But Hazrat Umar persuaded him and ultimately he asked Zayd bin Thabit, the Prophet’s (saw) secretary, to do the work. Zayd worked very hard between 11 and 14 AH. Although he himself was a hafiz of the Quran, he always tried to find a written verse before adding it to his manuscript in order to check and ensure authenticity of the verse. Finally a collection of the Holy Quran was made into a single volume. It remained under the first caliph, then transferred to the second caliph, Hazrat Umar, and after his death, Hazrat Hafsa took it under her custody. The copy of Quran under Hazrat Hafsa came to be known as Mashaf al-Hafsa.
 During the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar, the Muslim Empire was extended a lot. New converts to Islam in countries like Syriaand Iraq recited the Quran in different ways. This disturbed Hazrat Anas (RA) who went to Hazrat Uthman and requested him to take immediate action against this otherwise it might create a rift in the Muslims. Hazrat Uthman nominated Zayd bin Thabit along with three other companions to make copies of the Quran in Quraishi dialect from the original text, because the Quran was revealed in that dialect. After preparing copies of the Quran, they were read loudly in the Prophet’s mosque so that no confusion may arise in the minds regarding alteration. The copies were finally sent to different parts of the empire with the instructions that future copies would be made from the official text only. All remaining variations were destroyed through fire so that no misunderstanding may arise in the future. As a result only one authentic text has remained in use to this day. 


One who manages the affairs of the widow and the poor man is like the one who exerts himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands for prayer in the night and fasts in the day.

Main Teachings:
This hadith encourages the believers to fulfill the needs of the poor and the oppressed class in the society. Helping the poor in distress is worship to Allah and it is as important as obligatory prayer and fasting. Managing affairs of the needy people is such a prestigious deed that it has been placed at par with the person who strives in the way of Allah or who stands up for prayer at night and fast during the day. The prophet (PBUH) said to his wife,”O Aisha! Love the poor and let them come to you for help. Allah will then surely take you near Him on the Day of Judgment.”



This surah is infact a prayer to the Lord of the universe for seeking guidance to the straight path Who alone can grant it. He alone is worthy of worship and He alone is to be asked for help because He is the Cherisher and the Master of everything in the universe. He is All-Merciful and has bestowed countless of bounties on His creations, but at the same time He is supreme Justice and everybody will have to answer Him on The Day of Judgement for his worldly deeds. When believers implore to the straight path, He always showers blessings on them and protects them on going astray. Supplication is the core to worship and The Holy Quran encourages the believers for petitioning."And your Lord said,Invoke me, I will respond to your supplications..."(40:60).

Thursday, 6 October 2016


Write about Muslim belief in Oneness of Allah (Tauhid). [10]

The Oneness of Allah is the first and basic faith of Islam. There are three parts of this faith: Allah is Alone in His Existence, there is no partner with Him in His Attributes and He Alone is worthy of Worship. Associating partner with Allah in anyone of the above three parts is called shirk.

When it comes to Existence of Allah, He is present from the beginning and He will last forever. He has neither ancestry nor children. The Quran says, “Say He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, the Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him” (112: 1-4). Those who believed that angels were daughters of Allah committed shirk in His Existence. Similarly, believing that Uzair or Christ is the son of Allah, is shirk in His Existence. The concept of Trinity is also against the Oneness of Allah.

Now coming to the Attributes of Allah, He Alone is the Creator, Sustainer and Master of the universe. There is no partner with Him in Controlling and Sustaining this universe. He is All-Knowing and All-Powerful. No creature can share his Divinity or His unique Attributes. He knows the secrets in the hearts of the people. He is beyond human comprehension and imagination. He is above having any similarity with any of His creations. The Quran says, “There is nothing whatever like unto Him …” (42: 11). He has unlimited Authority and Powers. He Alone can help all the creatures in the universe. If a person gives a call for help to a deity, who is far away from Him or is dead, he commits shirk. Here the person believes that the deity sees him and can help him. Only Allah is All-Aware and Helper of the people.

And finally coming to the worship of Allah; no one can be a partner with Him in His worship. The Quran says: “…adore not the sun nor the moon, but adore Allah who created them…”(41: 37). At another place: “…there is no god but I, therefore worship and serve Me …” (21: 25). Bowing down before any deity, idol, grave, sun, moon, fire or stars is shirk. Slaughtering animals on the shrines in the names of those who are buried there is also shirk. Seeking help from idols and graves is another form of shirk. Shirk is an unpardonable sin. The Quran says, “Allah will not forgive those who associate other gods with Him; but He will forgive whom He will for other sins. He that associates other gods with Him is guilty of a heinous sin” (4: 48). All the good deeds like prayers, fasting, hajj and charities of a person shall go in vain if he commits shirk.


The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) sent Abu Musa and Muadh ibn Jabal to Yaman, and he sent each of them to govern a part. Then he said; ‘Be gentle and do not be hard, and cause rejoicing and do not alienate.’

Main Teachings:
This hadith signifies the responsibilities of Muslim rulers. They should devote their energies to the general welfare and prosperity of their subjects. They should treat the people with kindness, mildness, gentleness and justice to win their hearts. Apart from rulers, the hadith also extends to daily lives of common people. The prophet (PBUH) has said,”Make things easy and do not make them hard, and cheer up people and do not repel them” (Bukhari, Muslim).

Briefly explain the main themes in verse 75-79 of Surah Anaam

Main Themes:
These verses of Surah Al-Anaam show the mental experience through which Abraham passed in the beginning and which led him to understanding of the Truth before prophethood was bestowed on him. Amidst the polytheistic environment and with no instruction in monotheism yet, he ultimately discovered the Truth by careful observation of the universe. His society was dominated by the worship of the heavenly bodies - the moon, the sun and the stars, but Abraham concentrated on these bodies and came up with the conclusion that they are subservient to the power of the One True Lord, their Creator. He disputed with his people and declared himself not to be among those who associate partners with Him.

Sunday, 2 October 2016



He who studies the Quran is like the owner of tethered camels. If he attends to them he will keep hold of them, but if he lets them loose they will go away.

Main Teachings:
This hadith emphasizes the importance of keeping in touch with the Holy Quran. This book of guidance is the primary source of Islamic teachings and should never be neglected. In order to get true benefit, a Muslim is required to establish a strong relationship with the Quran by learning it, memorizing it and reciting it. If his relation is weakened, the effects of Quran gradually fade away. The Prophet (PBUH) has said, "The best amongst you is the one who has leaned the quran and teaches it".

Briefly explain the importance of Surah Al-Kawthar in a Muslim’s life.

Importance in a Muslim's Life:
This Surah assures that Allah always helps His men if they are struggling for a noble cause. He protects them and fills their hearts with courage during hardships, and will reward them for their sufferings in the Hereafter. If they stay committed with their noble mission, Allah will take them out of the whirlpool of troubles and will ultimately give them victory.
Kauthar refers to the unbounded goodness. It includes the gift of Tauhid, devoted followers for preaching the message of Truth, victory of mission during his life, descendents from his daughter, Fatima, a river in the paradise and many more. It is also a fountain wherefrom the Prophet (PBUH) will fetch water to his true followers on the Day of Resurrection.
This Surah also gives a guideline to the Muslims about what to do during harsh times. The formula is that they can obtain steadfastness through prayers and sacrifices, performed only to Allah. Sacrifices are the bearing of hardships in His Way, showing patience when faced with difficulties, giving charities to the poor and slaughtering permitted animals and distributing their meat among the people.

Briefly explain the main themes in Surah Al-Nas and explain their importance in a Muslim's life.

Main Themes:

This surah teaches us to seek Allah's refuge from the mischief of the whisperers. We can incline to the erring suggestions of a man as well as to the secret whispers of evil within our hearts. Allah being the Sustainer, King and Deity of all mankind has complete control and authority on His creatures and can fully protect us from ill temptations arising into our hearts. Against repeated devilish attempts, a man should follow the Quranic instruction, "and on God let the believers put their trust" (9: 51).

Importance in Muslim's in life:
This surah in combination with Surah Al-Falaq provides protection to a believer against all external and internal potential dangers. When a Muslim struggles for a noble cause, a number of people in the society normally turn against him. The devils would whisper evil intentions in hearts of wrongdoers against him. This surah will provide him refuge before their desires culminate into evil actions. When a person comes forward for the welfare of community or for preaching moral virtues, evil thoughts frighten him by bringing a picture of troubles and obstructions in front of him. Similarly, internal feelings of a person can influence his judgement, selection or decision. Satan tells a person that committing small sins is not a serious issue, and stops him if he wants to raise voice against the social evils by saying that it is not alone your job. Surah Al-Nas is a shield for him against such hidden evils.


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